When I watch movies, I always have total problems with, firstly:
starting at all, and, secondly: finishing the film. (Except for
mindless action movies, they always work…)
Why? I have to overcome the point of no return first. This is the
point in the story where the greatest shame, the worst betrayal, the
most embarrassing accidents are over.
A Victim of the Arc of Suspense
It's only at this point that I really start to enjoy movies. Before
that I have to constantly stop myself from running away from the
unpleasant feeling created by the suspense and turning off the TV.
The best example: Narnia. Just watched it. This evening.
An incredible movie!
And I never dared to before --- all these years! And the day before
yesterday I had started already, but then had to take a break.
Maybe Lord of the Rings next? Oh boy…
Have you ever observed yourself while watching movies?
Let me hear your thoughts in the comments!
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